Monday, July 6, 2009

Pre-Father's Day

Father's day weekend was a beautiful weekend, one we should have been camping, except we had some wiring issues with the truck and camper that Jeremy had to resolve before we could make the long pull to Columbia Falls. Instead of camping we did take in some of the beautiful weather in the backyard...

The girls and I had already done our Father's Day shopping and had even hid Jeremy's gifts in the camper so that while we were were camping on Father's Day we could pull them out and surprise him as he needed gift was a fold-up reclining chair (something that Jeremy has mentioned for several years) and another was a set of BBQ tools. I was so proud of myself that I had thought of these "camping" gifts and how fun it was going to be to surprise him with them while we were camping...he changed the plan slightly.

We had to go to Ace Hardware for something a few days before Father's Day weekend, while shopping Jeremy saw a 8' windmill that he wanted for the yard. He looked at the windmill several times before we left the store and then point blank told me, "I want the windmill for Father's Day." Now what?? Needless to say the girls and I went back to the store and bought the windmill and figured Jeremy was worth spoiling. I am such a sucker!!

We gave Jeremy the windmill on the Saturday before Father's Day and he put it together that day so I took some pictures of the girls in front of the windmill.

And here is the whole thing..

Rylee at 7 months-pretty cute kid if I do say so myself!

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