Monday, April 5, 2010

Where is the last 5 Years?

April 5, 2010

Dear Abbie,

This year you have impressed me more than you will ever know. We have shown us what a great, gentle, and patient big sister you can be. The more independent and strong willed Rylee has become this year, you adjusted by having more patience and kindness. At times I have even told you that you are going to have to be more forceful and stand up for yourself more to Rylee. If Rylee wants a toy that you have, you would say once, "No Rylee this is my toy" but as Rylee started to throw more of a fit you would give in and give whatever you had to her. You would always have something to trade her if you wanted to get your toy back, there was never just ripping something out of her hands. When we would go shopping you would always pick something out for Rylee too. Thank you for being so kind and considerate Abbie.

Your year at Holy Spirit showed us again how kind you are. Daddy would tell me that everyday as he picked you up you would say good-bye to everyone, even though they didn't say good-bye first or reply when you said it. I hope that means you will continue to treat others as you want to be treated rather than how sometimes you will be treated. I am not sure you were challenged much academically at pre-school but you did learn to write your numbers to 20. Your teacher told us you played with everyone and got along well with others. Her only things she told us to work on were numbers 11 to 20 and that when someone didn't know the answer you wanted to help them by telling them the answer so they wouldn't struggle. You are such a tenderheart!

This year you continued dance and soccer and started German. By the end of the second session in the spring you were able to speak a few sentences to Oma and certainly knew several words and colors. We also changed swimming lessons from Great Falls High to the Peak, and what a difference. You've made a lot of progress already and I plan to continue into the summer.

You chose McDonalds, Applebee's, and Taco Treat as your favorite restaurants right now and the only food you really dislike is still mushrooms. Everything else you are at least willing to try. You make me laugh with pork and some say it takes too long to chew. You mean it's dry but you choose a nice way to say it.

We got you a puppy in February and you've shown us a lot of responsibility as you have taken care of it. Some mornings I hear you get up and let Sissy out before you even come into the bedroom to tell me your awake.

My favorite time with you is Monday nights when we have time together just the two of us. I love to hear about your day and what else is new with you. I also love our time at night as we cuddle before bedtime. I don't want you to grow up, yet each stage that you go through I love that more than the last.

I can hardly wait to see what the next year has in store as you start school and begin a new milestone in your life. I love you Abbie with all my heart.


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