Monday, April 5, 2010

Abbie's Birthday

Abbie's Golden Birthday began with an Easter Egg Hunt when she woke up, followed by pictures at Sears, lunch at McDonald's, and then dinner at the Amigo. All Abbie's choice of course
(OK not pictures at Sears). This year was fun because even though Abbie's birthday fell on a Monday, I was off for Spring Break so it was fun to get to spend the whole day with her.

Abbie is getting more and more girly (I've stopped trying to prevent it or convince her her favorite color is blue or green or yellow, not pink. Instead I've embraced it and decided to just go ahead and buy the dresses and allow her several minutes to try them on to make sure they are twirling dresses.)

Jeremy and I bought Abbie a big girl bike this year for her birthday. Really big. She had outgrown her Dora bike and so rather than buy the next size up we opted for 2 sizes up. It seemed like she would quickly outgrow the next size but now that I see her on the new bike I hope she is big enough to ride it.

Rylee liked the big girl bike too.

I also gave in to the My Little Pony toy where she can do Pinkie Pie's hair. I had told myself, and Jeremy, that it was clothes and the bike this year and that was it...What can I say? I'm weak!

Abbie chose Tinkerbell as her theme for her "family party." Taco Treat and Tinkerbell...doesn't get better than that!!

Make a wish!!

Finally, a family photo. Considering how much I like to take pictures you would think I could get more pictures of the four of us together but that never happens. Next time maybe Jeremy and I will dress up for the photo op.

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