Monday, April 5, 2010

Nursery Rhyme

Abbie's last big hurrah at Holy Spirit was memorizing and reciting a nursery rhyme on March 29, 2010. She came home with a sheet of paper saying "Mary Had a Little Lamb." So when Abbie and I sat down and began to talk about what she wanted to wear and begin to practice Abbie told me, "Mrs. Brown said I could do as many verses as I want to." What? How many verses were there to Mary Had a Little Lamb? Apparently more than Mary having a lamb and it going everywhere that Mary went.

Turns out there are MANY verses and so Abbie and I decided to do four and stopped with making the kids at laugh to see a lamb at school. It also worked out perfectly that Abbie was Little Bo Peep for Halloween and Rylee was her lost sheep so Abbie wore the costume as Mary and even wanted to take Rylee as her lamb. I felt Rylee might be a distraction during the reciting since she is the type of lamb that truly would try to make the kids laugh and play and Abbie would lose her 4 verses of fame. I convinced Abbie to dress up a doll in the lamb costume instead and she thought that was a good idea.

Abbie was the first one to present her nursery rhyme and so she was a little timid and hard to hear but recited all 4 verses perfectly. I recorded it on the video camera that I can't transfer to the computer but I do have it to show to the future husband in 30 years!

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