Thursday, April 29, 2010

Abbie's Friend Birthday

Abbie chose a My Little Pony theme for her friend birthday. She also chose, for the second year in a row, to have a big bouncy house as the main attraction at her party. This year I attempted to be one of those creative moms and tried to come up with cutesy games to keep the kids busy during the entire party, apparently I felt the jumpy house wasn't enough. Abbie wanted to invite the kids in her pre-school class, so we invited all 7 kids plus Abbie's close friends of Taylee, Jenna, Norah, and Claire. This was a huge jump from the 4 total kids I entertained last year! So I ended up with 10 kids total...10 five-year-olds!! I know that lots of amazing moms throw this type of party all of the time, but that is not me. I was very worried as to how the whole thing may turn out especially since the weather in April isn't always really nice so having an outdoor party and I haven't mentioned that the morning of Abbie's party I was bringing Jeremy home from the hospital after a neck surgery. So I recruited a lot of help to make sure this party went smoothly....thankfully I have wonderful friends and family who were willing to help out.

Here is the bouncy castle with a slide that started the party off.

After the kids bounced awhile I brought them in and they colored a My Little Pony picture that I had glued to the outside of the goodie bags.
In order to fill the goodie bags we played some games where everyone was a winner. We threw balls through a hula hoop, we played pin-the-tail on the My Little Pony, and we even had some pony races.

Rylee even played the part of a My Little Pony with her ears and mane.
The very last fun event I had planned (other than cake which is always my favorite) was a pinata. I bought a pull one, but I wouldn't advise that. Each kid pulled on their string and.....nothing happened! We had to break into the pinata and fish the candy out to fall on the ground. The kids enjoyed the candy so all was well, but I definitely made a mental note of it for the future.

The perfect end to the party was a My Little Pony cake.

After the kids had gone home the girls and I spent our own time playing in the bouncy house. This was my favorite part. I love to be a kid with them and bounce and laugh and watch them light up while they are having fun.
I may not be a super creative mom but I think Abbie had fun at her My Little Pony Birthday...and to me that is all that matters!!

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