Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter fell on April 4th this year so a busy weekend of birthdays and Easter egg hunts. Easter itself began with awakening to see what the Easter bunny left, followed by church, and then dinner at the Miltons.
This year the Easter Bunny hid baskets. I guess he decided that the girls were getting to big to just leave them sitting out so now they were going to have to work a bit to see what he has brought. This year he brought Abbie some flip flops, books, a Care Bear movie, and some clothes.
The Easter Bunny brought Rylee some clothes and a my little pony. Rylee has decided she's not a big fan of pictures but I snapped one anyway even with a tear.

Ah, all pretty and dressed up and ready for church.

Tante Lilli was a good helper for Rylee while I took pictures and videoed. Rylee was still confused about the whole process of searching for eggs. When she found the first egg she wanted to see what was in that one and eat it rather than look for a whole bunch and then open up to see her goodies. If it wasn't for Tante Lilli the other three kids would have snatched all the eggs and Rylee would have just gotten one.

Rylee, put that egg down and look for another!

Ah, big sister is willing to stop the search and help her little sister too!!

I love these two so much!


As usual, I have a habit of overdoing things. I thought that after we hunted eggs at Greg and Tracy's the girls would still want to come home and hunt for more eggs. It never occurs to me, year after year, that they may be exhausted when they get home and reach a point of not even caring about more candy or treats. Thankfully, the Easter Bunny was understanding and agreed to hide the eggs as a special treat for Abbie on her birthday. So we got up on her birthday and went out to hunt eggs again. This time Rylee understood more what the process was all about and started to collect her own eggs.

What's with the scowl birthday girl??

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