Thursday, April 29, 2010

My 1st Breakfast in Bed

Abbie crawled into bed with Jeremy and I on April 17th at about 630. She laid quietly and waited until 700 am when I heard her say to Jeremy that she wanted to get out on his side of the bed so that she wouldn't wake me up. She told Jeremy that she was going to make me breakfast.

As I lay awake listening to the sounds of the kitchen I whispered to Jeremy, "What do you think she's making??" In she walked with a plum on a plate.

Abbie: I made you breakfast in bed Mom.

Me: Honey, thank you.

Abbie: I even washed it and took the sticker off myself.

She set down the plate and walked away.

Me: Where are you going Abbie?

Abbie: I made one for me too! (that's my girl...always remember food for yourself)

She looks at Jeremy knowing that he didn't get a plum in bed.

Abbie: Dad, you can't swallow so I didn't worry about you.

(Jeremy was still struggling after his neck surgery to eat some things so Abbie decided plums were one of the things we couldn't/shouldn't eat I guess.)

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