Monday, April 5, 2010


The annual circus tradition this year didn't work out as planned. Our circus tradition is usually to go with Grandma Nate, Lilli, John, Haley, and the Woods family. This year it was so busy that we couldn't work out schedules to all get to go at the same time. We were trying to get ready for Abbie's birthday, Easter, plus plan around work schedules so the ONLY time that the whole Virts family could attend the circus as a family was Saturday, April 2nd at the 7 pm show. Jeremy and I consider ourselves to be fairly intelligent parents so we knew taking a 16 month old to the evening circus could be a disaster, but we decided to take our chances anyway. Abbie loves the circus and always starts asking when it's coming right after Christmas so to try to skip it for a year wouldn't fly. We arrived early, as usual, so Abbie could ride the animals.

The annual elephant ride

Abbie still loves to ride the ponies.

What toy did Abbie talk us into this year...a light-up saber. Woo Hoo! We made it to almost the end...we walked out during the motorcycles in the sphere (those of you who attend the annual Shrine circus know that it doesn't change from year to year). How did we make it so that late with a 16 month old? We bribed her with food...fries, nachos, ice cream!! Yum Yum!

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