Monday, September 7, 2009

Last Camping of 2009

We took our last camping trip of the season the weekend after school started, August 28th-30th. It probably should have been a weekend I spent in my classroom, especially since my classroom was in the final days of renovation and EVERYTHING was still stacked in the hallway. But who needs desks or chairs to teach, right?? At least that is what I thought as I threw caution to the wind and headed out for a relaxing weekend at Jefferson Creek.

Abbie was really looking forward to this camping trip. Her friend Claire was going so there was going to be kids to play with, not just mom and dad. We spent the weekend doing the usual--playing with Abbie, eating, relaxing, and attempting to keep Rylee entertained. I was reminded again this camping trip that Rylee is a child set in a routine. Friday night I tried to get her to fall asleep by the campfire with no bath and just eating her bottle outside. Great idea!!! By 2 am and still awake I was cussing myself for not sticking to the routine. Saturday night the whole family was in the camper by 8 for baths and bedtime....and we were all asleep by 10! Yea!

Abbie and I are playing a competitive game of Zingo!

What a happy couple!

Abbie LOVES spending time in the creek. She loves to throw rocks but mostly she likes to make recipes. She calls it "Cacheta Soup". We make it by mixing rocks, dirt, leaves, grass, whatever we can find into a bucket filled with creek water.

We were joined by another family, the Kring's, who were friends of Jenny and Dan. They also have a daughter with a peanut allergy so it was nice to visit with them and share stories and concerns. Abbie liked this family because they brought a dog, a Labradoodle. Flicka was a good dog and Abbie had lots of fun playing with her. We are still talking about dogs and breeds that would fit into our lifestyle. I have tried to postpone the puppy getting until summer when we are home and committed to training her....we'll see if we end up with one before the first snow!

On Sunday morning we took the short hike to Memorial Falls. It's been years since I have been on that hike. It was beautiful and short enough that Abbie could do the hike on her own.

Rylee liked the ride up to the waterfall and was so relaxed she took a nap on the hike down.

Abbie and Claire

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