Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Day of Preschool

I can hardly believe that Abbie is old enough to start preschool. Where does time go?

Last spring I took Jeremy to 3 different places to decide where we were going to send Abbie to preschool. I had narrowed our search down to 3 places by spending an afternoon with my friend Melissa looking at various preschools and finding there is a LARGE spectrum of learning opportunities out there.

Anyway, off Jeremy and I go since we feel it is important to begin Abbie's academic career successfully and find the perfect place to build her foundation. We looked at all 3 preschools and I was so pleased when, at the end of the day, we both wanted to send her to the same place--Holy Spirit. We loved the atmosphere and the structure. The students were taught not only the basics, but successful social skills and manners. The teacher had been doing it for years and years and was comfortable with peanut allergies and the use of an epi-pen. Jeremy and I were looking forward to this fall. This was a great place for Abbie to start her education!

Over the summer I heard the current Pre-K teacher had taken a different position in the building and we had a brand new teacher....WHAT???!!!! But we searched, and planned, and decided based on what we saw last spring....that's what you get for being over-involved! I am trying to come into this year of Pre-K with a positive attitude about building her academic foundation for the next 13 years to come. I am sure this brand new teacher will do just fine!:)

Abbie was very excited about her first day of preschool although I was surprised that she didn't pick out a dress to wear first day. She's been very into dresses lately but decided on this pants outfit instead.

Don't forget the backpack....

As we were walking into the school Abbie looks up at me and says, "Mom, I am a little bit nervous!" At that moment I wanted to say, "Not nearly as nervous as Mommy is leaving you here with strangers," but I didn't think that would calm her nerves very well. Instead I smiled and said, "All of the kids in your class are probably a little nervous too. Mrs. Brown will make you feel better." Once we walked inside the classroom Abbie started to play with the toys and seemed to transition just fine to the world of Pre-K, in fact she didn't notice my tears at all. As I walked down the hall to my car, fighting back tears, all I could think about is--before we know it we are going to be dropping her off at college....

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