Monday, September 7, 2009

1st Family Day after Summer of 2009

The Virts' family day tradition is in full swing. As previously posted, every day that Jeremy was off this summer was "family day" and we enjoyed doing fun things with the girls. Now that I am back to work and covering SOME (very different from ALL) sporting events on Saturdays we are back to making sure Sundays are special in our family.

The first Sunday of the school year we were camping so this is actually the 2nd Sunday after the summer of 2009, September 6th. We decided to head to Abbie's favorite restaurant, McDonald's, pick up lunch, and head to Giant Springs for a family picnic. The weather was beautiful..hard to believe fall is on the way.

Breaking Rylee into fast food...

Abbie is explaining how big the fish are to me. "They are this big!"

"And that one was this big!!"

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