Sunday, September 27, 2009

1st Soccer Game of Fall Season

When the information came for Abbie to play fall soccer I debated about whether I should mention anything to her at all. Remember I don't like soccer all that much and hope that Abbie finds a new interest. Instead Abbie seems to love it and it looks like we may be spending more time at the soccer field than I had originally thought.

This is her first game of the fall season. Her team is pretty much the same girls from last spring and the same coach, Coach Bill, agreed to stay on and work with the girls. More importantly, Norah is still on Abbie's team which makes Abbie even more excited.

This is my favorite part of the game...showing off their shin guards. The girls on the team are Ruby, Jordan, Norah, Abbie, and Sydney.

Abbie scored 3 goals this game.

Um, did I say she really enjoyed soccer?? Not sure what this sour face is all about.

Taking some time to sit with Grandma

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