Monday, September 7, 2009

Rylee at 9 months

As you can well imagine Rylee is much like her sister...quite a daredevil. The higher that Jeremy throws her the harder she laughs! This month she has taken to standing in the rocking chair or her car seat and trying to rock herself back and forth. Luckily no serious injuries have occurred, but she can't be left alone for even a second anymore.

We've found another food that she doesn't like...prunes! So far it's prunes and peas that she absolutely will not eat. Can you blame her? This month we have struggled with fruits. She loves the warmed up chicken noodle, mac and cheese, chicken and rice, but when it comes to eating a fruit, forget it!

If Rylee is missing for any length of time she can be found in one of two places in our house...the shower or Abbie's room. She still loves the shower and crawls in there anytime the bathroom door is open, but she is really starting to love to play with toys too. She loves Abbie's kitchen where she gets out the pots and pans and bangs them together. Abbie is very patient and lets Rylee play with just about everything. Abbie is very motherly and always checks on Rylee to make sure she is safe or when Rylee is crying Abbie often tells me what she needs or wants and if I am doing it correctly!

Rylee still hasn't taken a step yet without holding onto something but she is really good at walking up and down the couch. If she would just let go I think she would take off...and we think she is hard to keep up with now!

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