Monday, September 7, 2009

Oma's 84th Birthday

My kids are so lucky that they have so many grandparents who love them so much. My mom's mom, Oma, recently celebrated her 84th birthday. I love that the girls are getting to know their great-grandma and be exposed to her German heritage. I have secretly signed Abbie up for German class. It's 11 weeks long but we hope to surprise Oma and start speaking German with her in the next few weeks!

Abbie, Rylee, and Oma

My 84-year-old grandma gets down on the floor to play with both girls. She and Abbie were actually wrestling so much at my mom's house they broke a decoration. What fantastic memories they will have of her! Abbie loves Oma's borscht and lemon cake. In fact, she leaves my mom's condo to head to Oma's to mooch food at least once during her stay with Grandma Nate.

Oma with all of her great grandkids: Haley, Abbie, Rylee, and Johnny

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