Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mother-Daughter Day

I have started a tradition with Abbie (although she doesn't know this yet) to spend an entire day with her before I go back to work in August. This year was extra special because, since the addition of Rylee, we rarely get to spend time just her and I. Our day started with a pedicure, then to Gibson Park for some pictures (this is my favorite part of the tradition, but definitely not Abbie's). After pictures we did some shopping for preschool then stopped for lunch at Abbie's favorite restaurant, McDonalds.

Abbie seems so grown up now and her conversations are like I am talking to a peer rather than my 4 year old daughter. Just the other night I was feeling crummy with a cold and told Abbie I was going to take a bath so I could breathe. I started down the hall and Abbie stopped me by saying, "Mom, enjoy your bath!" What a tenderheart!

In spirit of mother-daughter day I asked Abbie some more questions about how she perceives things.

Why did God make mothers?
Because they're special to make

What ingredients are mothers made of?
Blood, skin, and cookies (Can't tell that my kid has a little anatomy background)

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?
Cuz she's the only one for me

What kind of a little girl was your mom?
One who ate spaghetti for breakfast (True--my mom said I had to eat something but she didn't care what)

What does your mom do in her spare time?
Stays home with me and Rylee

What did mom need to know about dad before she married him?
About diamond ring (Does she mean how big it was going to be??? That a girl!!)

What's the difference between moms and dads?
Mommys are girls and daddys are boys

Why did mom marry your dad?
Because he works hard at fire station

Who's the boss at your house?
Mommy because she says don't wear shoes in the house and dad does it :)

If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?
Don't go to school everyday but stay home with us (Talk about pulling on my heartstrings--Abbie I would MUCH rather stay home with you...Let's win the lottery!!)

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