Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rylee at 8 months

Another month has passed and Rylee has continued to enrich our lives and be so fun. She has loved her baths since she was born, but this month Jeremy put her in the shower once with me and now we have a monster on our hands! Every time the shower turns on she frantically crawls to the bathroom and will climb right in clothes and all, if you let her. She loves to lay and let the water hit her right on the back.

This month she continues to crawl and pull herself up on the furniture and stands for long periods of time. She also figured out how to sit down once she's sick of standing so that has saved us from having to go and "rescue" her. She's becoming social and will follow us around as we move to be a part of the group. Rylee still remains schedule oriented and will get crabby almost like clockwork if she's not fed, put down for a nap, or bathed at the correct time. Speaking of eating we have introduced "hot" baby foods like veggie chicken dinner and mac and cheese and she loves them!!!

I have loved spending the summer with both girls and I am so sad that my entire days with them are drawing to a close. I would rather stay home and watch Rylee continue to discover and explore and play games and hold dance-offs with Abbie!

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