Monday, December 26, 2011

Rylee Friend Birthday

As a 3-year-old it is hard to decide what to do for your birthday. A few weeks before Rylee's birthday Jeremy and I took the girls roller skating one Sunday afternoon. The remainder of the evening Rylee kept saying, "Skating was so so fun." Therefore, it seemed like a good fit to have a friend birthday for her at the roller skating rink. We invited Rylee's friends (all 7 of them--hard to make friends when you don't go to day care) and it ended up just being Norah, Malia, and Taylee for a short while.
All of the girls did really well skating and seemed to have a good time.
(Just for the record--the pink flower in my hair started out in Abbie's hair when we left the house)
Norah and Abbie

Rylee chose a puppy theme for her cake, plates, and invitations. One thing of high importance to Rylee were blue cupcakes. She started talking about blue cupcakes for her birthday in early November. We ended up with white frosting with blue trim...
Yummy cake and ice cream!
Rylee and Malia
Norah and Abbie and another year of friendship...
"Mom, smile, and say cheese!"

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