Monday, December 26, 2011

Abbie's 1st grade Christmas Program

December 14, 2011

Abbie's 1st grade Holiday Program was so cute.  Of course Abbie was in the back row since she is so tall, but we were able to see her really well.  The 1st graders sang Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Hanukkah, My Two Front Teeth, Who is it, and Rocking Roll Snowman.  Each song has actions which make it even more cute to watch.

All smiles and waiting to start

Where is my mom and dad?

Abbie held a candle during the Hanukkah song

This is just one of the actions to the song "Who is it?"  Cute song about spelling Santa's name.

"Do you wanna see the Rocking Roll Snowman?"

Snapping away to the Rocking Roll Snowman

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