Monday, December 26, 2011

Church Christmas Program

December 18, 2011

This year the church Children's Christmas Program was before Christmas rather than in January.  I get disappointed about the Children's Christmas Program since the children do very little singing and speaking (doesn't it seem like we should be watching and listening to the kids?)  This year Abbie and Rylee still were fun to watch although they didn't sing or talk.  Abbie was Mary and Rylee was an angel.  Both walked to the front of the church and stood by the manger...or at least that is what they were supposed to do.

This is Mary before the show

Mary and the Angel (is it just me or does the angel seem to look mischievous?)

All of the "actors" in this year's program waiting to walk down the aisle.  Mary, Joseph, the angels, and the shepherds were the non-speaking parts this year.

The scene around the manger

Rylee has decided to leave her post at the manger because she felt her lips were dry so she came down to me in the audience and applied lip balm.  After lubricating her lips, she went up and sat by the manger rather than standing at her original spot.

Now Rylee decided she needed to fix her shoe.  Maybe they were too tight, or not tight enough?  Not sure, but she did get some laughs from the audience.  Meanwhile, Abbie continued her role of Mary flawlessly.  It's fun to have children alike, yet so very different!

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