Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

Our annual Christmas Eve festivities were at Tante Lilli's house.  After church we headed to her house for a 'make your own taco bar' (a yummy new idea...hopefully it will be a tradition).  Next we took just a few family photos...
Then we started opening presents.  Yea!
Abbie asked for a rubber snake (not sure exactly) but Uncle Manfred was able to deliver on this present.
Rylee asked for a blue puppy and Uncle Manfred found that too.
During the middle of gift opening Rylee decided to climb up on Oma's lap and show her her tights.  They were black with silver sparkles on them and apparently Rylee wanted to make sure Oma got to see them in full effect.

She also tried on Oma's glasses...

and was willing to look up for a great picture of the two of them.

Abbie and Rylee got blankets from Tante Lilli and Uncle Harry.  Abbie's was a bunny and Rylee's was a cat.  The blankets are warm and cuddly and so both girls love them and use them to cuddle on the couch.  What a great idea!
Tante Lilli, thank you for the cuddly gift.  I love it!

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