Monday, December 26, 2011

Fire Department Christmas Party

December 18, 2011
The annual Fire Department Christmas Party played out just like in previous years.  Abbie loves to make the crafts including decorating cookies, making ornaments, and coloring pictures.  Rylee loves to eat the cookies that are decorated and doesn't want anything to do with Santa.  Sounds like years past, doesn't it?

At the cookie decorating table
Trying out one of the decorated cookies

As Santa arrives and talks to the kids about good behavior and what types of cookies he likes to eat, my girls are taking it all in...

As usual Abbie climbs right up on Santa's lap

Abbie is even willing to hug Santa, thanking him for the gift

Rylee, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with Santa.  She even considers it may not be worth getting a gift if she has to get close.
Nope, still don't want to get close. 

Rylee didn't like her gift from Santa. It was a singing Ernie and she liked someone else's gift better so she wasn't happy with Santa.  Abbie got a Barbie head so she could fix Barbie's hair.  She liked her gift so she was willing to pose for a picture.

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