Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas with the Virts

We celebrated Christmas with Jeremy's family on December 23rd this year.  With Jeremy's work schedule and Josh's short time here in town, Jeremy ended up taking a day off of work to fit everything in.  I was still in the process of finishing a bedroom painting project so we didn't spend all day there, but still had a good time.  We ate dinner, opened presents, and stayed to play with all of the presents too.

Abbie and Ashley
Abbie got  a dress-up skirt from Auntie Rosie

Rylee got some Polly Pocket Dolls from Grandma and Grandpa

Abbie loved her new computer from Grandma Nita and Grandpa Jerry.  It is filled with all sorts of learning games and drawing tools.

She's so cute and nerdy.  She wants to open up the computer and start to play with the learning stuff right away.  That's my girl!

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