Sunday, September 27, 2009

3rd Soccer on September 27th

It was definitely warmer this week than last, but Abbie really wasn't that into the game today. She kicked the ball a few times but was more intent watching the crowd around her.

You guys just go ahead and play. You're doing great without me!

2nd Soccer on September 20th

This is crazy playing soccer for four-year-olds in the rain and hail. Today was miserable out and we were sure that they would cancel but they played anyway....a possibility for years to come if Abbie chooses an outdoor sport. I pray for volleyball and basketball!




Rylee's New Crib??

Rylee loves to play in Abbie's room. She plays in the kitchen and bangs the pots and pans together and plays with all of Abbie's dolls. Today she climbed into Abbie's doll's crib and was so proud of herself for getting in. She is quite a character!

1st Soccer Game of Fall Season

When the information came for Abbie to play fall soccer I debated about whether I should mention anything to her at all. Remember I don't like soccer all that much and hope that Abbie finds a new interest. Instead Abbie seems to love it and it looks like we may be spending more time at the soccer field than I had originally thought.

This is her first game of the fall season. Her team is pretty much the same girls from last spring and the same coach, Coach Bill, agreed to stay on and work with the girls. More importantly, Norah is still on Abbie's team which makes Abbie even more excited.

This is my favorite part of the game...showing off their shin guards. The girls on the team are Ruby, Jordan, Norah, Abbie, and Sydney.

Abbie scored 3 goals this game.

Um, did I say she really enjoyed soccer?? Not sure what this sour face is all about.

Taking some time to sit with Grandma

Monday, September 7, 2009

Rylee at 9 months

As you can well imagine Rylee is much like her sister...quite a daredevil. The higher that Jeremy throws her the harder she laughs! This month she has taken to standing in the rocking chair or her car seat and trying to rock herself back and forth. Luckily no serious injuries have occurred, but she can't be left alone for even a second anymore.

We've found another food that she doesn't like...prunes! So far it's prunes and peas that she absolutely will not eat. Can you blame her? This month we have struggled with fruits. She loves the warmed up chicken noodle, mac and cheese, chicken and rice, but when it comes to eating a fruit, forget it!

If Rylee is missing for any length of time she can be found in one of two places in our house...the shower or Abbie's room. She still loves the shower and crawls in there anytime the bathroom door is open, but she is really starting to love to play with toys too. She loves Abbie's kitchen where she gets out the pots and pans and bangs them together. Abbie is very patient and lets Rylee play with just about everything. Abbie is very motherly and always checks on Rylee to make sure she is safe or when Rylee is crying Abbie often tells me what she needs or wants and if I am doing it correctly!

Rylee still hasn't taken a step yet without holding onto something but she is really good at walking up and down the couch. If she would just let go I think she would take off...and we think she is hard to keep up with now!

Oma's 84th Birthday

My kids are so lucky that they have so many grandparents who love them so much. My mom's mom, Oma, recently celebrated her 84th birthday. I love that the girls are getting to know their great-grandma and be exposed to her German heritage. I have secretly signed Abbie up for German class. It's 11 weeks long but we hope to surprise Oma and start speaking German with her in the next few weeks!

Abbie, Rylee, and Oma

My 84-year-old grandma gets down on the floor to play with both girls. She and Abbie were actually wrestling so much at my mom's house they broke a decoration. What fantastic memories they will have of her! Abbie loves Oma's borscht and lemon cake. In fact, she leaves my mom's condo to head to Oma's to mooch food at least once during her stay with Grandma Nate.

Oma with all of her great grandkids: Haley, Abbie, Rylee, and Johnny

1st Family Day after Summer of 2009

The Virts' family day tradition is in full swing. As previously posted, every day that Jeremy was off this summer was "family day" and we enjoyed doing fun things with the girls. Now that I am back to work and covering SOME (very different from ALL) sporting events on Saturdays we are back to making sure Sundays are special in our family.

The first Sunday of the school year we were camping so this is actually the 2nd Sunday after the summer of 2009, September 6th. We decided to head to Abbie's favorite restaurant, McDonald's, pick up lunch, and head to Giant Springs for a family picnic. The weather was beautiful..hard to believe fall is on the way.

Breaking Rylee into fast food...

Abbie is explaining how big the fish are to me. "They are this big!"

"And that one was this big!!"

1st Day of Preschool

I can hardly believe that Abbie is old enough to start preschool. Where does time go?

Last spring I took Jeremy to 3 different places to decide where we were going to send Abbie to preschool. I had narrowed our search down to 3 places by spending an afternoon with my friend Melissa looking at various preschools and finding there is a LARGE spectrum of learning opportunities out there.

Anyway, off Jeremy and I go since we feel it is important to begin Abbie's academic career successfully and find the perfect place to build her foundation. We looked at all 3 preschools and I was so pleased when, at the end of the day, we both wanted to send her to the same place--Holy Spirit. We loved the atmosphere and the structure. The students were taught not only the basics, but successful social skills and manners. The teacher had been doing it for years and years and was comfortable with peanut allergies and the use of an epi-pen. Jeremy and I were looking forward to this fall. This was a great place for Abbie to start her education!

Over the summer I heard the current Pre-K teacher had taken a different position in the building and we had a brand new teacher....WHAT???!!!! But we searched, and planned, and decided based on what we saw last spring....that's what you get for being over-involved! I am trying to come into this year of Pre-K with a positive attitude about building her academic foundation for the next 13 years to come. I am sure this brand new teacher will do just fine!:)

Abbie was very excited about her first day of preschool although I was surprised that she didn't pick out a dress to wear first day. She's been very into dresses lately but decided on this pants outfit instead.

Don't forget the backpack....

As we were walking into the school Abbie looks up at me and says, "Mom, I am a little bit nervous!" At that moment I wanted to say, "Not nearly as nervous as Mommy is leaving you here with strangers," but I didn't think that would calm her nerves very well. Instead I smiled and said, "All of the kids in your class are probably a little nervous too. Mrs. Brown will make you feel better." Once we walked inside the classroom Abbie started to play with the toys and seemed to transition just fine to the world of Pre-K, in fact she didn't notice my tears at all. As I walked down the hall to my car, fighting back tears, all I could think about is--before we know it we are going to be dropping her off at college....

Last Camping of 2009

We took our last camping trip of the season the weekend after school started, August 28th-30th. It probably should have been a weekend I spent in my classroom, especially since my classroom was in the final days of renovation and EVERYTHING was still stacked in the hallway. But who needs desks or chairs to teach, right?? At least that is what I thought as I threw caution to the wind and headed out for a relaxing weekend at Jefferson Creek.

Abbie was really looking forward to this camping trip. Her friend Claire was going so there was going to be kids to play with, not just mom and dad. We spent the weekend doing the usual--playing with Abbie, eating, relaxing, and attempting to keep Rylee entertained. I was reminded again this camping trip that Rylee is a child set in a routine. Friday night I tried to get her to fall asleep by the campfire with no bath and just eating her bottle outside. Great idea!!! By 2 am and still awake I was cussing myself for not sticking to the routine. Saturday night the whole family was in the camper by 8 for baths and bedtime....and we were all asleep by 10! Yea!

Abbie and I are playing a competitive game of Zingo!

What a happy couple!

Abbie LOVES spending time in the creek. She loves to throw rocks but mostly she likes to make recipes. She calls it "Cacheta Soup". We make it by mixing rocks, dirt, leaves, grass, whatever we can find into a bucket filled with creek water.

We were joined by another family, the Kring's, who were friends of Jenny and Dan. They also have a daughter with a peanut allergy so it was nice to visit with them and share stories and concerns. Abbie liked this family because they brought a dog, a Labradoodle. Flicka was a good dog and Abbie had lots of fun playing with her. We are still talking about dogs and breeds that would fit into our lifestyle. I have tried to postpone the puppy getting until summer when we are home and committed to training her....we'll see if we end up with one before the first snow!

On Sunday morning we took the short hike to Memorial Falls. It's been years since I have been on that hike. It was beautiful and short enough that Abbie could do the hike on her own.

Rylee liked the ride up to the waterfall and was so relaxed she took a nap on the hike down.

Abbie and Claire