Sunday, November 8, 2009

Holy Spirit Circus

Abbie's doing very well in Pre-K. She seems to be learning lots of new things even though the conversation about Pre-school goes like this. "How was school today?" "Good." "What did you do today?" "I don't remember." Each day it is the same conversation so I keep telling Abbie I am not sure why we keeping sending her. However, she seems to be picking up addition skills such as 2+2, 3+3 and so on, she can write all of her letters and numbers, and knows the sounds of almost all of the letters and can tell you a word that starts with the appropriate letter. She is also starting the basics of reading and she can recognize some sight words such as run, cat, hat, etc.

Mrs. Brown decided to keep the Holy Spirit tradition by doing a circus at the end of October. This allowed the students to dress up, but they had to dress up as a member of a circus. Abbie and I sat down and tried to decide would she be a clown? A lion? An acrobat? The conversation was short...she wanted to be an acrobat. I, however, wanted her to be a clown so I just knew if I took her to look at costumes she would fall in love with a clown costume. No such luck! And what was I complaining about...she could wear her dance clothes as an acrobat and I get off without spending money!! Am I an idiot or do I just think we have too much money that we need to spend some??

The circus performers

Waiting patiently for her turn in the spotlight

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all the far ring we have Abbie jumping through a ring of fire while on the balance beam!!

In the center ring, Miss Virts is showing off her acrobatic skills while on the trampoline

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