Sunday, November 8, 2009

2009 Pumpkin Carving

October 25, 2009 was the date of the Virts family tradition of pumpkin carving. This year we bought 2 for Abbie and I to decorate and another for Jeremy and Rylee to manage. Jeremy turned it into a friendly competition of who could make a more creative carving. We don't even have to really mention how it all transpired. He logged on to the internet and found a Frankenstein pumpkin that he was able to copy exactly. Abbie and I were just happy with triangle eyes and nose.

Abbie is watching intently as Dad cuts her pumpkin. Jeremy doesn't trust me long with a knife so he always takes over my cutting after I scrape the inside.

The finished product...Abbie added some hair to our triangle eyes face to make it more like Dad's Frankenstein.

The finished product with candles inside. We won't mention that Rylee knocked the lit pumpkin backwards onto the floor. Luckily the fire was just contained to the kitchen! Alright, no fire but my husband, the fireman, mentions that the cause of most fires is candles as we rush around the counter as the pumpkin and candle hit the floor.

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