Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rylee's 5th Birthday

Rylee's 5th birthday was a school day followed by gymnastics, yet we were able to try to make it special.  She was able to chose chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, confetti cupcakes for her Preschool treats, and then the Wendy's drive-thru for dinner.  Rylee was a good sport about her busy day and liked her birthday gift from Jeremy, Abbie, and I so I think the day was an overall success.

Dear Rylee,

This last year you have continued to blossom and become more and more outgoing.  You continue to be quiet and shy to those you don't know, yet are quite a spitfire around those that you feel comfortable with.  Mrs. Gossman explains you as well-mannered, precious, and a joy to teach.  I think of you as a constant talker with a bit of a temper.  I love to get in the car with you to head to gymnastics and hear a detailed minute by minute recreation of your day.  You love to give me all the details and if you run out of things to say you fill the silence with a song or conversation with a doll or stuffed animal.  To say you are a bit of a chatterbox is an understatement, which is why it is hard to believe that you are so quiet around those you don't know.

You play very well by yourself and have a great imagination as you play house or doctor to your animals.  You and Abbie love to practice your gymnastics, play teacher, or play house on the weekends and you play really well with her, as long as she does what you want.  If Abbie chooses to do something you don't like, you tend to haul off and smack her.  This hitting results in some timeout opportunities in your bedroom where you continue to talk and interact with the doll or stuffed animal that you have nearby.  Again, not much silence.  When your temper flares, your big sister always gives in to you and you end up getting your way.  You are lucky to have her as such a great big sister.

This year you tried out soccer and did great and you also made the move from dance to gymnastics.  You were in a lower class in gymnastics for a few months and then you were moved up to a class of 7 and 8 year olds.  You do a great job and are able to hold your own with the bigger kids.  I am so proud of you and am excited to see what life has in store for you as you start school next year.

I love to spend time with you.  I love to cuddle with you at night time when you don't want to sleep by yourself.  I love to read stories to you.  I love share a plate of nachos or milkshake with you.  I love to listen to you tell me about your day.

Love you,

Here is a list of your current favorites:

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Toy:  Sophia Castle

Favorite Food:  Hamburger and Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Favorite Drink:  Chocolate Milkshake

Favorite Restaurant:  Wendy's

Favorite Movie:  Brave

Favorite Book: Doc McStuffins

Favorite Thing To Play:  House with Sophia Castle

Want to be when you grow up:  Gymnastics Teacher

Favorite Activity to do: Soccer

Favorite Thing about Preschool: Playing Dress-Up

Best Friend:  Madison Grove

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:  Watch a movie and play

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:  Tickle fight

Favorite Thing to Do with Abbie:  Play House

Chocolate Chip Pancakes for her Birthday breakfast

Jeremy, Abbie, and I gave her the Doc McStuffins Check-Up Station as her birthday gift

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