Sunday, February 23, 2014

Christmas Eve Post Santa's Arrival

Once we arrived home from Tante Lilli's we started on our own traditions of saying "Good-Bye" to Frigalle since he will be heading home to the North Pole until next Thanksgiving, feeding the reindeer and putting cookies and milk out for Santa.  This year we did all of this with Jeremy which was great that he wasn't working this year.  After we prepared for Santa, we put on our pajamas, and read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and then we tucked the girls in their beds to await Santa's arrival.

I always sneak down early, before the girls get up, to take pictures of Santa's piles of presents.  It looks like he spoiled them again this year!!

Abbie's pile including Anna and Elsa from Frozen.

Rylee's pile including the Sophia family and castle

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