Sunday, February 23, 2014

Abbie's Christmas Program

Abbie's 3rd Grade Christmas Program was on Wednesday, December 11th this year.  It made a fun day because it made Grandma Nate's birthday even more fun.  During the convocation on the first day of school, I won Tom Moore acting as my sub for a half day.  I chose Abbie's concert as the day and was able to meet Oma, Tante Lilli, Anita, my mom, and Jeremy for lunch at the Montana Club.  After lunch we headed to Abbie's program and then took Grandma out for dinner too.  It made for a great day!

Abbie's Christmas Songs were:  December Lights,  Hip Hop Reindeer, Christmas in the West, and Hanukkah.  As usual the songs were super cute and the actions fun to watch!

Dani, Abbie, Jenna, and Norah

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