Friday, October 26, 2012

My Birthday Gift

For my birthday gift, the girls agreed to go to the park and let me take pictures of them.  Today was not a great day for pictures because it was so bright and sunny but I still love to take pictures of them, even though there were lots of shadows.   Who wouldn't have a great birthday after lunch, pictures, and playing in the park with these beautiful young ladies??!!

This picture showed Rylee's traumatic face injury of the summer.  We had built a fort in the living room with the dining room chairs and blankets.  Rylee and I were playing with Sissy and Sissy grabbed a corner of one of the blankets in her mouth and pulled the chair over which landed on Rylee's nose and knocked her backwards.  Poor blackened her eyes a little and left a mark on her nose and on her chin!


Abbie is such a good poser for me.  I just snap pictures and she just works the camera!  Such a beautiful girl!

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