Saturday, October 27, 2012

Annual State Fair Afternoon

The State Fair is always an end of July event.  This year Jeremy and I thought we could bypass the fair because of the Silverwood trip, but the girls wanted nothing of that.  They reminded us that we didn't ride the rides at Silverwood because we just did the water park, therefore I caved and agreed to take them.  Jeremy, however, got off easy because the grandmas and I took them while he was working. Jeremy doesn't really like the fair so he wasn't upset, AT ALL!!
Abbie continues to be such a sweet sister.  She rode all of the kiddie rides with Rylee and took such good care of usual!

This year Grandma Nita paid for the girls to do the bungee bouncer thing and Abbie was amazing. She was doing double, and almost triple, flips! 

The girls won these trumpets along with a stuffed pink dog when they played the duck game.


Our afternoon at the fair was on a very hot day.  The girls took turns modeling Grandma Nita's hat.
Petting Zoo
Pooped after a fun day a the fair...

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