Friday, October 26, 2012

Camping at Hughesville

The summer started with the first camping trip being the familiar trip to Hughesville with the Giest family.  We headed up on Thursday and stayed until Sunday.  In early June we often still find snow, but this year it was just wet with puddles and lots of mud...
Abbie and Logan had a great time playing in the puddle.


Rylee had a great time playing with Alex

We had a great time going for a ride on the 4-wheelers.  The girls are just at a fun time where they are enjoying the longer rides.  Abbie is doing the driving so she likes to ride with Jeremy who lets her be a more daredevilish and Rylee and I like to ride together and sing songs like "There are 7 days, there are 7 days, there are 7 days in a week..." and "January, February, March and April....".  We rode from Hughesville to Hoover Creek and the best part may have been the time at Hoover Creek.  The kids, Jeremy included, had a great time climbing the gravel hills.

They climbed to the top on foot too...

Who is king of the hill?

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