Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tried out Tball

This year was Abbie's first year trying T-Ball. According to Abbie she likes it almost as much as swimming (which is saying a lot since Abbie's loves to swim). I absolutely loved watching Abbie play T-ball because she was coached by Carrie and Andy and she took everything they said and really worked hard to make them happy.
Alright, I am in the ready position....hit the ball.

Playing the outfield

Dad did a little coaching too

Andy taught Abbie to bat by drawing a line in the dirt and then telling her to stand with her toes on the line. It took a few games but soon she would draw her own line!

The only drawback of T-Ball was that most of the games were cancelled due to a very rainy spring and those games that we did have were cold.
Is it May or February?

Rylee had a good time during T-Ball season playing with Malia.

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