Saturday, September 10, 2011

Spring Soccer

This year for soccer Jeremy and I were in for quite a change...there was no longer just watching from the sidelines. We were the coaches! Oh, my what did we know about coaching 6-year-old soccer??! Jeremy started asking around the fire department and looking on the internet for soccer tidbits and I went to the high school soccer girls I teach for some good games. It ended up being a ton of fun but I think we both realized that professional coaching is not in our cards.

We had Ruby on our team again this year. It was fun to watch her really understand the concept of soccer and wow, she's fast!

It ended up that I coached most of the practices and Jeremy coaches the games. That was great with me since I like to play silly skill games and am not the real competitive one.

Rylee is Abbie's biggest fan.

Catching some time together on the sidelines.

OUR team
Back: Coach Christi, Norah A., Logan R., Abbie V., Coach Jeremy
Front: Jaiden and Ruby

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