Saturday, September 17, 2011

Holter Lake #2

Our second camping trip to Holter lake this year was July 27-30. This trip was nice and warm and so we spent lots of time enjoying the water.
Abbie even tubed alone behind the boat on her green tube. She's getting to be such a big girl!
Jeremy and I did quite a bit of skiing too. Weather was warm. Water was smooth. What a great vacation!
This trip Jeremy brought Abbie's fishing pole so that she could practice casting. She can cast a long way. She is going to be quite a fisherwoman!
Oh, no! Not more fishing!
We spent lots of time at the beach building sand castles. The girls wanted them like we built in California and it was hard to convince them that this sand wasn't like California sand.
Jeremy and Sissy sat on the boat and watched us play on the sand since Sissy couldn't be on the "beach."
Look at Rylee's mischievous grin...what do you think she is thinking?

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