Saturday, September 10, 2011

The End Of Kindergarten

The end of kindergarten brought a sadness to Abbie and to me. Abbie's sadness was because she absolutely loved her year in Miss Thunstrom's room. She loved Miss Thunstrom and school and was scared to head to first grade because she was assigned to a teacher she didn't know. Abbie just wanted to stay in Miss Thunstrom's room forever. My sadness was because I couldn't believe her first year of school was already over and she was growing up so fast. All of a sudden she seems like such a big girl and doesn't need me for all sorts of things. She likes to do her own hair now, showers herself, rides her bike without training wheels, hangs upside down on the jungle gym, and the list goes on and on.

From a parent's perspective Miss Thunstrom was amazing because she was structured, organized, and set high expectations.  Abbie is such a people pleaser that she worked very hard to make her teacher happy and rarely got in trouble or had to be spoken to.  Riverview was also a great place for Abbie as they made great accommodations for her allergy exceeding our expectations.  Abbie was fortunate to have Miss Thunstrom as her teacher and to be at Riverview School to start her educational career. I hope her love of school continues.
Abbie's Kindergarten Teacher, Kristal Thunstrom
Abbie was given a great book at the beginning of kindergarten that she could write all sorts of stuff in about kindergarten. Here are a few of the inscriptions (I rewrote them just as Abbie wrote them in the book):
Favorite color: prppl
Favorite flavor of ice cream: choclit
Favorite thing to do on the playground: monkey bars
Favorite game to play in gym: Frez tag
When I grow up, I think it would be fun to be: a techr because I like to reed books to kid.
I think the best holiday is christmas because: Santa brengs presints.
The easiest part of being in kindergarten has been: lising to Miss Thunstrom.
The best thing to happen to me this year was: meting noo frens.
I had the most fun in kindergarten when we: play fres dans (on carpet).
I hope that during the next school year, I can: stil have reses.
The biggest change in me since the beginning of the year has been: not haveing a beleache wen I git to school. (What!!!  I didn't know she was sick with nerves at the beginning of the year...good mothering!!)
If I could change anything about the past year, I would: have no hantriting because it hrts my hand.
The happiest memory of kindergarten was:  being on green evre day except yelo one day.  (Miss Thunstrom used a color chart for behavior with green being good behavior, yellow a warning, red meant missing recess, and blue was a talk with principal, parents, and no recess for one whole week).  Abbie got on yellow just one time because she was devastated her.  The way we knew what color she was based on the sticker that was on her hand when she came home.  The day she got yellow Jeremy picked her up and brought her home.  She was wearing gloves because it was cold but once she got home she didn't want to take her gloves off...this clued Jeremy in that there must be something going on.  Once she took the gloves off and told us what happened she started to cry.  I asked her if she cried at school when Miss Thunstrom told her to change her color.  Her response, "No, I just got real hot."  And that was more behavior problems for the rest of the year.  Great Job Abbie!

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