Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Day

The girls slept in until 8:30 on Christmas morning so I snuck down and took some pictures of what Santa had left in front of the tree. Rylee got a jeep and Abbie got the life-size doll from the movie Tangled that she was asking for. Santa also filled stockings this year with very practical PJ's since the girls are growing so quickly their tummys have been hanging out so thank goodness Frigalee told Santa about the bare bellies at the Virts house.

Rylee climbed right in her jeep, but she kept asking Abbie to climb in with her....

so Abbie did because that is the kind of person Abbie is. She gives in and does everything Rylee wants her to do. Rylee is so lucky to have such a giving sister!

Abbie with the life-size Rapunzel

We took the Jeep outside for a spin before we started opening any other presents. Once we got outside Abbie noticed there were tracks from Santa's sleigh and reindeer in our front yard. Abbie cared about the tracks while Rylee just wanted Abbie to make the jeep go faster.

The girls got a ton of other presents including a talking cat, meowing lion, Nintendo DS, clothes, and Rylee's favorite, a talking Elmo.

We had just a relaxing Christmas morning. We played with toys and set up the Wii where Abbie beat us in canoeing and bowling before we showered and got ready to head to Grandma Nate's for dinner. It was so nice to just enjoy Christmas and not just rush through to head to some place else.

After dinner at Grandma Nate's we talked Uncle Fredy, Grandma Nate, and Jeremy into joining Abbie and I in a few games of Twister and Pictionary. It was a fabulous Christmas and one that I will remember as one of the best for years to come. Yet another year has passed and 2010 was another amazing year and I am lucky I have such an amazing family. I feel blessed to have such a caring husband and two beautiful daughters and can hardly wait to see what 2011 has in store for the Virts.

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