Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Eve

We were really fortunate this year that Jeremy didn't work any of Christmas. I can't remember when he hasn't worked either Christmas Eve or Christmas was so nice to share the whole thing with him. Christmas Eve was at Tante Lilli's new condo but all other traditions stayed the same. We ate appetizers after church since that is faster than a sit down dinner for everyone and then the present opening begins.

Look at that, one of Santa's VERY cute elves....

Uncle Manfred's gifts were big hits. Rylee got a doll that talked and called her mommy....

and Abbie got a Easy Bake oven. Look out, now she is the chef!

Another HUGE hit this year was the pillow pets from Tante Lilli. Abbie asked for the polar bear but Rylee got the puppy too and both have snuggled with them every night since.

This year both Grandmas were at Christmas Eve so the girls enjoyed showing them their gifts

Rylee also volunteered to help Oma with some of her gifts too....

Once we leave Lilli's we still have a lot of Virts' family traditions to finish on Christmas Eve. We feed the reindeer, set out the cookies and milk for Santa, and read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas before we all nestle in our own beds to await Santa's arrival.

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