Saturday, December 4, 2010

Three Amigo Sleepover

Abbie wanted so badly to have a sleepover with her friends, Norah and Jenna, that I finally had everyone over in November on a weekend Jeremy was hunting. We had tried the sleepover in September at Norah's but Abbie had an ear infection and so we headed home at midnight so Abbie had been asking ever since.

It turned out to be a ton of fun with the girls and their moms, all except for that sleeping on the floor part (my body is too old for a hard floor anymore)! The girls played dress-up, watched movies, played games, all with lots of laughter!

The girls gave us a preview of their Christmas concert while in their Disney princess costumes (which I need to put in Rylee's closet...little too much belly showing for mom)

Abbie, Norah, and Jenna

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