Monday, February 21, 2011

New Years Day

We had a very low key New Year's Eve which meant we had a fun-filled New Year's Day and anniversary. We headed out to Belt early in the morning on a beautiful winter morning. We went sledding with Chloe, Caitlyn, and Ashley and both Grandmas. The Grandmas were great sports about sledding and seemed to really enjoy the laughter with the girls. We did some sledding and then warmed up at Grandma Nita's with some hot chocolate and bowl of chili.

Jeremy is always careful with the precious cargo.

I even pulled Jeremy with Grandma Nate, Abbie, and Ashley.

We ended the perfect anniversary and family day with a adult date at Chili's with Brett and Jacie. Jeremy is still talking about how good the ribs were that he ate there that night!

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