Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who's licking butt now?

Here is a story that made me smile for weeks.

I was getting the girls out of the shower and had them both wrapped in a towel.  I carried Rylee to the bed and laid her down on the bed and out of Rylee's mouth comes, "Who's licking butt now?"  Nothing explanation, no other words.  As my mouth dropped open, I said "What?!"  I looked over at Abbie whose eyes were as big as dinner plates.  Again Rylee belts out, "Who's licking butt now?"  Abbie immediately comes to Rylee's's in Marmaduke. 

It just goes to show me as a parent that I should pay attention to every detail in a movie. I like Marmaduke, think it's a cute movie, but missed that quote when I watched it.   It also is funny of all the quotes in the movie, Rylee picks that one!!

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