Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spring Fling Hoop Thing

The first weekend in June, Abbie was asked to play in the Spring Fling Hoop Thing.  This made me laugh.  Was it even open to 1st graders?  She played with Kasey, Jordan C., and Norah A.  The girls practiced a few times just to make sure they remembered offense and defense and how to shoot.  We felt pretty confident coming in thinking how good the girls seemed to remember the fundamentals.  The first team they played were a very similar skill level however, it changed quickly.  The next few teams not only understood offense and defense, but were running plays.  Running plays??!!!  This is the first grade!!!  I thought our girls played great and was proud to see them shooting, rebounding, and blocking some shots.

Looking for the rebound...

Dribble it in Abbie!
Shoot Abs!

You know she's thinking--Get off me!!
Getting a pep talk from Coach Bill

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