Sunday, September 9, 2012

Softball...I pray for this one!

Softball is such a fun sport to watch, and I understand the plays (unlike soccer that looks like an ant hill to me), and typically, it's played in warm weather.  Secretly I hope this is the one Abbie chooses, but for now I will just enjoy it.  This also seems to be the sport that Abbie seems to pick up quickly.  She is a good hitter and pays attention rather than plays in the dirt (which is a big deal at this level since it sometimes takes several minutes to put another ball into play).    It was also fun for Abbie that many of her friends were on her team this year.
Way to be ready!

Isn't she cute?

Coach Faulk does some explaining....
Get ready, 1st base always has some action!!
Here comes the throw from Jenna...
catching the grounder....
and she's out!!

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