Sunday, September 9, 2012

1st Tooth Lost

The day after school got out was the day that Abbie lost her first tooth.  It was a bottom, front tooth and it had been wiggly for several days.  We were laying in my bed, watching cartoons, and enjoying our first day off.  All of a sudden Abbie was holding the tooth in her hand.  She had been playing with it, I knew, but she said she just pushed it back really hard and heard it crack loud and then it was in her hand.  I think that is pretty brave for a first timer!!  We put it in a cup of water and waited to see what the tooth fairy would bring....

Softball...I pray for this one!

Softball is such a fun sport to watch, and I understand the plays (unlike soccer that looks like an ant hill to me), and typically, it's played in warm weather.  Secretly I hope this is the one Abbie chooses, but for now I will just enjoy it.  This also seems to be the sport that Abbie seems to pick up quickly.  She is a good hitter and pays attention rather than plays in the dirt (which is a big deal at this level since it sometimes takes several minutes to put another ball into play).    It was also fun for Abbie that many of her friends were on her team this year.
Way to be ready!

Isn't she cute?

Coach Faulk does some explaining....
Get ready, 1st base always has some action!!
Here comes the throw from Jenna...
catching the grounder....
and she's out!!

Spring Fling Hoop Thing

The first weekend in June, Abbie was asked to play in the Spring Fling Hoop Thing.  This made me laugh.  Was it even open to 1st graders?  She played with Kasey, Jordan C., and Norah A.  The girls practiced a few times just to make sure they remembered offense and defense and how to shoot.  We felt pretty confident coming in thinking how good the girls seemed to remember the fundamentals.  The first team they played were a very similar skill level however, it changed quickly.  The next few teams not only understood offense and defense, but were running plays.  Running plays??!!!  This is the first grade!!!  I thought our girls played great and was proud to see them shooting, rebounding, and blocking some shots.

Looking for the rebound...

Dribble it in Abbie!
Shoot Abs!

You know she's thinking--Get off me!!
Getting a pep talk from Coach Bill

Daddy's Birthday

This year Jeremy's birthday was pretty low key (which is like most years, really).  We went out to dinner (I didn't even cook).  Jeremy chose Dante's which wasn't open on a Sunday (really, don't people go out to dinner a lot on Sundays???) and so his back-up plan was Applebee's.  That is funny because Jeremy sometimes cringes when the girls pick Applebees.   After dinner we had the grandparents up for apple pie and ice cream.   Apple pie is one of Jeremy's favorites and Sam's club makes a beautiful lattice pie!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Dance Recital for 2 This Year

This year the dance recital had a whole new addition...ballet, jazz, and Rylee!!  In the past, Abbie has only done tap, but this year she tried jazz and ballet.  She says that she LOVES jazz and ballet is, "Okay."  Rylee was barely old enough to start dance this year.  Miss Denise let her in, even though she didn't turn 3 until December.  She was the littlest peanut in the class, but she did really well.  Miss Denise said that she followed all directions and did just fine with the bigger, older girls.  Rylee also LOVED dance.  We would send Abbie into her first class and 10 minutes later Rylee would start to ask, "Is it my turn yet?"  She would continue that for the next 50 minutes while we waited for Abbie to be done.  She would be dressed, tap shoes on, and standing in line with 10 minutes to spare...too cute.
Abbie and Jenna
The jazz number was to the song "Hand Jive".  I thought the polka dots were really cute with ruffles on the bottom.

The ballet number was with the same leotard but with transparent, flowing Genie pants because they danced to the song "Friend Like Me" from Aladdin.

Rylee danced to "Hey Goodlookin".  How appropriate!!

I said she was a little peanut!

One of my favorite poses!!

The girls' fan club was smaller this year because most of our family went to Billings for Beth's graduation.  However, there were some die-hards who wouldn't miss it for anything...

Grandma Nita and Grandpa Jerry wouldn't miss it...

Grandma Nate wouldn't miss it...
And we are their biggest fans!!
What cute little dancers!!
Sarah, Rylee, and Abbie

Who's licking butt now?

Here is a story that made me smile for weeks.

I was getting the girls out of the shower and had them both wrapped in a towel.  I carried Rylee to the bed and laid her down on the bed and out of Rylee's mouth comes, "Who's licking butt now?"  Nothing explanation, no other words.  As my mouth dropped open, I said "What?!"  I looked over at Abbie whose eyes were as big as dinner plates.  Again Rylee belts out, "Who's licking butt now?"  Abbie immediately comes to Rylee's's in Marmaduke. 

It just goes to show me as a parent that I should pay attention to every detail in a movie. I like Marmaduke, think it's a cute movie, but missed that quote when I watched it.   It also is funny of all the quotes in the movie, Rylee picks that one!!


The Easter Bunny brought a basket full of loot again this year.  Both girl's baskets were full of books, clothes, and swimsuits.

Our tradition of Easter pictures continues on the front step...

Aren't they adorable?


Easter dinner was at Tracy and Greg's this year as was the Easter egg hunt.

Abbie's Family Birthday

Abbie's 7th birthday was at El Comedor, Abbie's 2nd favorite restaurant (after McDonalds).  Abbie had her usual taco with no lettuce and shared some nachos with Rylee and I.

After dinner we headed back to our house for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Abbie loves skirts! 

Grandma Nita gave Abbie a Dora Swims-A-Lot and she loves it!

Abbie had me bake her a chocolate cake again this year, but Grandma Nate still has to make the frosting!

Happy Birthday to You, Abbie!


This year has been similar to years past as you continue to be a patient, caring, considerate young girl.  You continue to share with Rylee on a regular basis.  Don't get me wrong...the two of you fight, but you are always the one that gives in or shares.  You are always thinking of Rylee.  For example, I accidentally gave you Rylee's glass full of smoothie and you took a drink.  I noticed I had given you the wrong glass and immediately you poured some of your smoothie back into Rylee's cup.  Another example, if someone gives you a treat or a toy you always ask for one for Rylee.

I could give a million examples, but the bottom line is that I am always so impressed when you think of Rylee first all of the time.    Thank you Abbie for being so considerate!

This year you continued in the same types of activities such as dance, swimming, and softball.  You continue to like them all, but mentioned you might switch from dance to gymnastics for next year. We love to watch you in all your activities and you always work so hard to please both daddy and I and your coach.  You are such a perfectionist and you always want to get everything just right, whether it is school or sports or art projects.  Speaking of art projects and school, you continue to love both and excel in both.  I LOVE that you not only love school but you really excel in school.  You are an exceptional student who works so hard to please your teacher.  Thank you for your hard work!

I love you Abbie and thank you for another wonderful year!


I asked both girls there current favorites and recorded their answers below:
Abbie's Answers:
Favorite Color:  Purple and Blue

Favorite Toy:  Gymnastics Barbie

Favorite Food:  Bananas (that is my healthy girl!)

Favorite Drink:  Chocolate Milk

Favorite Restaurant:  Fords

Favorite Movie:  The Princess Movies (Barbie)

Favorite Book:  The Giving Tree and Junie B. Jones

Favorite Thing To Play:  House

Want to be when you grow up:  Engineer who builds fancy hotels

Favorite Activity to do:  Softball

Favorite School Subject:  Art

Best Friends:  Jazmynn and Norah

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:  Roller skating

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:  Lay on couch and watch cartoons

Favorite Thing to Do with Rylee:  Play House

Rylee's Answers:
Favorite Color: Orange and Green

Favorite Toy:  Sticky hand (she just got this today out of the treasure box so she lives in the moment) and Stuffed Minnie

Favorite Food:  Ice cream and milkshakes

Favorite Drink:  Chocolate Milk

Favorite Restaurant:  Burger King

Favorite Movie:  The Flinestones

Favorite Book:  Elmo Book

Favorite Thing to Play:  House

Want to be when grow up:  Race car driver and rock star to sing on stage

Best Friend:  Emily's sister (Abbie's friend Emily has an older sister:

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:  Ride Dora Bike

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:  Watch cartoons

Favorite Thing to Do with Abbie:  Play in the Treehouse