Friday, October 14, 2011

Sun Canyon Camping Trip

As the summer of 2011 was winding down we took a camping trip to Sun Canyon with our dear friends, the Etcheberrys. It was so nice to spend the weekend visiting with Carrie and Andy and the girls loved having kids to play with.
Jeremy and the girls have really taken to fishing this summer. We went up early and rode the 4-wheelers to a try out a few fishing spots. While the girls fished, I took pictures, and snacked and snacked.
The Wind-up...
The Release...
Abbie's fishing spot looks like a scene out of "River Runs Through It."
On Saturday, we all spent the morning fishing at Gibson Reservoir. Again, I took pictures and sat and ate and ate.
This is one of my favorite pictures... Rylee is daddy's little Buddy!
Jeremy and the girls caught ZERO fish this weekend, but Andy did. Thank goodness it kept the kids entertained. Rylee kept wanting to touch the fish.
The kids enjoyed playing in the dirt and making mud cakes.
Is there anymore to eat?
What a fun weekend with good food, good times, and great friends!

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