Friday, October 14, 2011

Ready for 1st Day of School

I know that I am constantly saying this, but "Where did the last 6 years go?" I can't believe Abbie is starting first grade. Each year I say that this stage is my favorite and the same goes for right now as well. I love spending time with Abbie and having such grown-up conversations with her now. She has a definite opinion about everything from how she wants her hair, to what to wear, to how she wants to have her room. I asked Abbie some questions about the first grade on our way to the meet and greet with her teacher the night before school started:
What are you feeling right now on the day before first grade? Scared and excited
What are you scared of? Just scared, not sure why
What are you excited about? Excited to meet new friends and learn new things (Bless you my little nerd)
What do you picture your teacher to look like? (Abbie's teacher had taken some time off from teaching so Abbie didn't know her or even what she looked like) I picture her to have long light brown hair in a pony tail, tall, and wearing a white skirt.
Abbie at her desk...
Abbie with her new teacher, Mrs. Betsayed
I asked a few more questions after we left her school and headed home for the night before school preparations:
What did you think of Mrs. Betsayed now that you've met her? She's really nice.
What are you looking forward to about tomorrow? To see what first grade is like.

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