Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dance, Dance, Dance!

As summer ends and fall begins, the girls begin their many activities. The first activity that started was dance. Abbie this year is doing jazz and ballet. She was so excited to try something new and she's been practicing some ballet-looking moves in the living room for weeks. I didn't get any pictures of Abbie at this viewing lesson because Abbie was always at the front of the group and it was hard to distinguish which dancer was her.
Rylee, on the other hand, seemed easy to see. She was easy to see because she was so little, I think. Rylee is a little young to start dance, by about 4 months, but when the class started she went right in and did what Miss Denise asked. When she comes home she shows us all the moves she did in class so I think she really seems to like dancing.
Who is the cutie on the end?
Tell me your name and age," says Miss Denise. "I Rylee and I two." a little louder.."I two." almost yelling, "I two." Nice job Rylee just slipping into the class as a 2 year old when you are supposed to be three. I hope they thought she just doesn't really know her age!

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