Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Soccer

The good news for those of you who follow my blog is that I have decided to not have 6 different posts for 6 different fall soccer games. I decided to sum up the season in just 1 post. The real truth why I only have one post is because it is hard to take pictures with Rylee. She has decided she likes to play soccer and understands that she is supposed to kick the ball in the net, so if you aren't watching she will end up running out on the field during the game. This is hard to monitor when I am attempting to take pictures so there were just a few fall soccer pictures.

I really liked Abbie's soccer this season. The weather was beautiful the entire time and we were out in short sleeves often rather than rain/winter gear as we have in the past. No one was tremendously better than any of the rest of the team so it was fun to watch everyone score goals and everyone get better over the course of the season. Norah was back on the same team as Abbie which made Abbie extremely happy and I enjoy visiting with Melissa and Burke during games and practices.

Chloe, Ashlin, Abbie, Norah, and Alexis

The girls with Coach Stacy

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