Sunday, November 7, 2010

1st Hunting of 2010

The end of October still brought balmy summer weather so we headed out to Cascade to check on Grandpa Gary. Jeremy brought a rifle, of course. After all "it is hunting season." He saw a deer bedded down in some brush and so he got his rifle and said he thought it was a nice little buck but hard to hit. Jeremy watched the deer through the scope for awhile and even changed positions but after quite awhile I figured it was not something worth shooting at. "Bang"! So much for hard to hit! We spent the rest of the day getting the deer out of the ravine and to town to the chop shop.

The girls liked the whole deer experience. When Jeremy was gutting the deer Abbie was enamored with it and was right over his shoulder pretending like she thought it was gross but asking a whole bunch of questions at the same time. As an anatomy teacher I seized the opportunity to teach some basics about some vital organs that were able to be identified. Rylee was equally as intrigued and kept saying "Wow" over and over as she was taking in the whole thing.

While we were just enjoying the mountains and the gorgeous day Abbie got to steer the truck. Rylee wasn't going to be left in the backseat solo so both girls crowded up with dad.

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