Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sun Canyon Camping

Our first camping trip of 2010 was to Sun Canyon with the Fowells June 14th-17th. We had never camped at Sun Canyon so it was a beautiful change of scenery and fun to try something new. We even ate in the lodge one night so we weren't really roughing it too much.
One of the little girls that lives there at the lodge was nice enough to share her Barbie Cadillac with the girls. Rylee discovered quickly how to drive it and then refused to get out.

Sissy even enjoyed the ride. This was Sissy's first camping trip and I thought she did great. She stayed by the camper most of the time without a leash or long line. She barked only when people came close to the camper, she rode quietly on the back of the four-wheeler, and she slept all night without whining. The one thing she has to work on is that she doesn't come when you call her if something is more distracting or fun. I still think that is pretty good for a puppy.

There was lots of riding 4-wheelers, playing, and relaxing.

It is funny how kids are...this swing set had 1 slide, 1 swing (the other was broken), and 1 set of rings but it is what Abbie wanted to play on continuously commenting about what a fun swing set this was!

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