Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Last Day of School

May 25th was Abbie's last day of Pre-K at Holy Spirit. There wasn't any hoopla on the last day..no party, no hugs from her teacher. Instead it was a "Good luck at Kindergarten." We are excited Abbie will be a Riverview Eagle in the fall. The principal at Riverview is going out of his way to make sure the school will be as prepared as possible for a student with a peanut allergy as severe as Abbie's. I am excited she will be so close that I can just walk over and get her. Although I can't believe she is going to be a kindergartener...where did 5 years go?

I thought it was appropriate to take the same picture as on the first day of Pre-K. She definitely looks older and wiser to me.

Now isn't this funny. When I try to get Rylee to pose for a picture she won't but as soon as I ask Abbie to take a picture she will hope right in next to her. Rylee is really starting to want to do everything that Abbie does.

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